Friday, May 23, 2008


Uncle Toby brought this soccer shirt back from Brazil for me. I was trying out some gymnastics instead of soccer though when I climbed the stairs. I'm getting to be such a big boy!!!

March for Babies

Mommy signed us up for the annual March of Dimes - March for Babies. It was a chilly morning to start, but I had a good time (as you can tell below).

I ended up napping during the two hour walk through Baltimore that we shared with 8,000 other walkers.

These are just a few of Martek's team walkers.

My New Play Area

Mommy and Daddy say I get into everything so they bought this thing called a Play Yard to keep me contained in the living room.
Daddy is testing it out for me. I actually prefer if someone is in the area with me. It makes me happy!

Although I look pretty happy here, and I'm all by myself. I think I like this thing call Baby Jail.

Swimming Classes

I really liked swimming after the first week.

Here is a picture of me and Mommy, and my friend William with his mommy, Alyssa.

Miss Kelly is testing to see if I can go underwater. I can, but I am looking at Daddy's camera and smiling.

Most of my playgroup is in this picture with me.

Here is William and Alyssa again with Caitlyn and her mommy Shaena.